Samarpan Meditation is an 800-years old Soul-level spiritual practice developed by the Himalayan Gurus to awaken the ‘Humanity’ in the world and to experience ‘Self Knowledge’ (Atma Gyan) through meditation. His Holiness Shree Shivkrupanand Swamiji is the first disciple to bring this in its authenticity to the society in a simplest form.
Samarpan Meditation practice has been acknowledged by the Theosophical Society (UK), Australian Association of Yoga in Daily Life, All India Medical Association, Ayush Mantralaya, the Red Cross Society and several other leading bodies across the world!
“Samarpan” (Sanskrit: समर्पण) means to “Surrender”. One may surrender thoughts of their past and future, good or bad karma (deeds), problems, sufferings, sickness and any negativity completely to Paramatma
Ishvara Pranidhana (Sanskrit: ईश्वर प्रणिधान) is the fifth Niyama(Sanskrit: नियम means Rules)in Ashtanga Yoga. And it is about surrendering to the Parmatma (Super-Soul or God or invisible Source Energy or Universal Consciousness) and always trusting that the Universe provides us exactly what we need in the right time. By dissolving the Ego we can totally devote ourselves to the source of everything and we reach a sense of Oneness.
Dhyan (Sanskrit: ध्यान) means meditation which is the seventh stage of Ashtanga Yoga. It leads to a quieter mind without thoughts of past or future that can naturally rise above in the Samadhi (Sanskrit: समाधी), the last or eighth stage.
In all the meditation techniques existing in the world today, meditation is either performed by putting one’s chitta on one’s breath, or by looking continuously at the flame of an earthen lamp, or by doing bhastika pranayam.
Samarpan Meditation does not use any of the above-mentioned methods. Samarpan Meditation is not a technique of meditation. It is the inculcation of values (sanskar) which is performed by one pure soul on another pure soul.
One just needs to be a pure and holy soul in order to obtain this inculcation of values. All all one needs to do is to surrender completely to Paramatma through Paramatma’s Medium. Then, the sanskar, the inculcation of values happens automatically.
H. H. Shivkrupanand Swami